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The scalability and robustness of a database begins in the initial design structure. Setting up tables and fields in the database and how all inter-relate solves a lot of programming headaches that can develop later. An intuative back-end user interface for management along with hefty field validation on the user end is neccessary for accurate data entry and reporting. Consulting is offered for your database development whether your database is to be built with MS SQL, Oracle, Sybase or even MS Access. A preconfigured database structure along with an outlined instruction on forms needed for input and output cuts programming development time and cost. Consulting fee varies per project.


~ Click the links below for screenshots of sample website backend admin sections ~


01 - Sample backend Admin Section

02 - Sample backend Admin Section

03 - Sample backend Admin Section

04 - Sample backend Admin Section

05 - Sample backend Admin Section

06 - Sample backend Admin Section

  Located near Asheville in the mountains of western North Carolina, Ramzilla Technologies is a digital design studio offering a wide range of technical services.

  Coldfusion Programming
Database Design
Website Development
Web Hosting
Graphics and Illustration
PrePress Layout and Design
Animation and 3D
Video Production


Illustration and design work for over 25 years has produced a wide range of projects. Ramzilla Technologies specializes in developing database driven websites, layout design, graphics and illustration for both print and the web.


Contact Ed Smith at :
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  Traditional Illustration  
  Traditional Illustration is offered as well and there are samples of past work at the following link. Pen and Ink renderings and acrylic or pastel paintings are developed from photos and sketches. Contact the studio to purchase prints or to commission work.
~ Samples of Traditional Illustration ~
              © 2012 ~ Ramzilla ~ (>  